Our Environmental Testing Services, Inc. technicians are well versed in testing ventilation in a variety of settings. Environmental Testing Services, Inc. is a leader in piped gas system verification, accreditation preparation, ventilation testing, waste anesthetic monitoring, laboratory exposure monitoring and medical gas system repairs.
With over 30 years experience testing all types of piped gas systems whether medical, industrial or laboratory, ETS can be your go-to partner for all compliance necessities. Our locations in Houston and San Antonio allow us to provide services throughout the state and surrounding areas.
With over 30 years experience testing all types of piped gas systems whether medical, industrial or laboratory, ETS can be your go-to partner for all compliance necessities. Our locations in Houston and San Antonio allow us to provide services throughout the state and surrounding areas.
Environmental Testing Services, Inc. is at the front of piped gas systems verification, accreditation preparation, ventilation testing, waste anesthetic monitoring, laboratory exposure monitoring and medical gas system repairs. Established in 1984 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, Environmental Testing Services (ETS) has grown into one of the largest medical gas testing firms in the Texas market.
If you install piped gas in a new facility, make renovations, or repair an existing facility, our ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineers) 6030 Licensed medical gas verifiers will work with you to meet ASSE, NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), and TDSHS (Texas Department of State Health Services) requirements.
Piped gas system testing provides our customers information to evaluate patient safety, cost savings and compliance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), CGA (Compressed Gas Association), ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineers) and other accreditation agencies such as The Joint Commission and DNV Healthcare.
When new construction, demolition or an emergency disrupts the usual supply of medical gases to your facility, ETS can provide equipment and recommend a process for uninterrupted flow to the affected areas. Our experienced technicians are available to plan the backfeed with you so that personnel and equipment are on-site and ready for a planned shut-down and verification of your facility.
There are numerous air change and relative room pressure ventilation requirements depending on how a room is utilized, the age of the facility and the facility type. In general, regulations require air to flow from more clean areas to less clean areas. At the core of this standard is protection from exposure to pathogens and chemicals.
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