Striving to be the number one choice for your freight needs, we never compromise when it comes to the customer. Customer service is what takes the complicated out of logistics. Staffed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day; voicemail is for the stone age. When you call, we pick up the phone and deliver. See why BMM is always driving to be the best.
Our number one goal is customer satisfaction. Over the years we have developed a network of carriers that deliver only the best. A proven track record of 99% on time pickup and delivery. We give solutions; never excuses. When you ship with BMM, you'll be assigned a single point of contact with a massive support team.
Our number one goal is customer satisfaction. Over the years we have developed a network of carriers that deliver only the best. A proven track record of 99% on time pickup and delivery. We give solutions; never excuses. When you ship with BMM, you'll be assigned a single point of contact with a massive support team.
Being the "Best Movement Managers" around isn't something we claim lightly, it starts with always delivering. That looks like on time pickup and delivery 99% of the time. Answering the phone within 3 rings, and always with a live person; we don't even have a voicemail system. At BMM, we make you a part of the family, and family is always there for you!.
They say the heart of Rock and Rolling Transportation is in Chicago, and oddly enough, so are we. Coincidence? Our founders, "Brothers from the same mother" Mike & Mark, didn't think so when they first launched BMM in 2008. Growing up in Chicago, we've never thought of the best city in the world as anything other than home.
The biggest illustration of this flexibility being our all encompassing transportation services, even including hauling hazardous materials known as hazmat. We use our vast network of carriers to bring you what you need in full & partial loads, on vans or reefers, flatbeds, and even intermodal. If you're looking for a "Better Merchandise Movement" solution, we've got you covered.
It's the anthem we live by from 7 to 5 every day, and even then some. Freight and transportation are our primary passion, though we also enjoy building lasting relationships within our team. No dull boys or girls here. Professionalism doesn't always mean too tight neck ties and boring memos.
And while we take our jobs very seriously, we've found that the best work environment is one where people can just be comfortable being themselves, build friendships with coworkers, and solve disputes through playing a quick game of bags.Partnership has been a primary theme of BMM since we started.
And while we take our jobs very seriously, we've found that the best work environment is one where people can just be comfortable being themselves, build friendships with coworkers, and solve disputes through playing a quick game of bags.Partnership has been a primary theme of BMM since we started.
It can be difficult to put into words what makes any workplace stand out from among the rest. Willing to meet any challenge, we've tried to boil down the full BMM experience into three primary reasons that you should probably already be showing up every day. At the end of the day, one of the main things that keeps anybody returning to a workplace is the environment the people create.
Reviews (10)
Jim App
Nov 03, 2021
Vlad Vilenchik
Sep 30, 2021
Marko Kukolj
Sep 12, 2021
Angelina Twardawa
Jul 29, 2021
Extremely unprofessional and unethical business practices. BMM Logistics wrongfully and dishonestly wrote a Freight Guard against our company. This Freight Gaurd is now interfering with our business. This slander is causing us to lose contracts and revenue and in addition is defamation to our company's reliable reputation. We have tried resolving the situation by providing proof for a canceled load, but the company has ceased all communication with us and is unwilling to speak with us. Upper management has also tried to resolve this with BMM, but BMM is unresponsive and is unwilling to take the
Jeremy Vera
Jul 27, 2021
TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE WITH NOLAN OVER THE PHONE. He cursed me out over the phone. (Check recorded phone conversation) also he threatened and bullied driver and owner who are brand new to the industry to take their load for DIRT CHEAP RATE. We were not even set up with the company and wrote us a freight guard report because we were having trouble setting up! Disgusted in their carrier sales management!!! I’d give them 0 stars if i could.
Ernes Kopic
Apr 12, 2021
Joseph Dawson
Mar 23, 2021
I was going to take a load from the broker agent Joe Brennan but he kept trying to run me with the cheap rate, so when I declined it, he told me to lose the number. So I told him I appreciate your time as he hung up.
I'm soo glad I didn't accept it, nor will I ever deal with any company he works for.
I'm soo glad I didn't accept it, nor will I ever deal with any company he works for.
Great Lakes Logistics
Oct 19, 2020
Todd Cleveland
Dec 31, 2018
Read the fine print prior to signing any Rate Confirmation. Noon appointment turned out to be 3:00 p.m. Four hours free then $25.00 per hour detention. Had to reschedule our next day's load, then ended up having to cancel the second load as we couldn't get there on time. Stay far away from this brokerage.
Kevin M.
Jul 10, 2016