Providing New Hampshire's most trusted Consumer Education Website for child care, early learning and afterschool resources & referrals for families, providers and communities. Providing child care, early learning and afterschool resources & referrals for families, providers and communities. Find information on how to increase program quality and teacher competence through professional development and resources.
Use the above information to inform planning decisions & policies and share it with other community members and stakeholders.
Use the above information to inform planning decisions & policies and share it with other community members and stakeholders.
NH Connections is the consumer education website for the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), lead agency for the US DHHS Child Care and Development Block Grant. The preparation and maintenance of this website is financed under a contract with the NH DHHS, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, with funds provided in part by US DHHS and the State of New Hampshire.
Tracy Pond is the Program Manager for Child Care Aware of New Hampshire.
In this capacity, Tracy provides support and oversight to all Child Care Resource and Referral Regional Outreach Offices and Child Care Resource and Referral Staff to ensure that high quality delivery and accountability of child care resource, referral, recruitment, training and targeted technical assistance is consistently and thoughtfully provided throughout the state of New Hampshire.
In this capacity, Tracy provides support and oversight to all Child Care Resource and Referral Regional Outreach Offices and Child Care Resource and Referral Staff to ensure that high quality delivery and accountability of child care resource, referral, recruitment, training and targeted technical assistance is consistently and thoughtfully provided throughout the state of New Hampshire.
What do I do if I have a complaint or concern about something that happened in a licensed child care program?. Call the Child Care Licensing Unit (CCLU) to share your concerns. CCLU staff will ask a series of questions to obtain the specifics of your concerns and determine if the information you provide is first-hand information or information that a child who has first-hand information told you.
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire sends out professional development opportunities and other information pertinent to child care programs throughout the State. CCAoNH uses our website, Facebook and Constant Contact to create and disseminate material. We distribute information about Child Care Aware of NH services, information from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and information from organizations contracted through the DHHS.
Child Care Aware of NH provides FREE and confidential referrals that are tailored to fit the needs of each individual family seeking child care. A list of three to fifteen programs will be given to each family that meets the criteria of that family's search. If families do not find a program that is a good fit for them, they may request another list of programs from Child Care Aware of NH.
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