Since 2004, we have been providing discerning travelers with incredible experiences at all their favorite events world-wide. Our extensive travel programs include premium tickets to the events of your choice, unique accommodations, private transportation, bespoke tours and excursions, pre-trip planning, concierge services and more.
Our team of Experience Specialists take a consultative approach to personalize and enhance your travel program and ensure a memorable experience at each and every event. Whether you are an avid fan or a company seeking to entertain and reward clients and employees, our extensive sports and entertainment travel experiences, coupled with our high-touch approach to service, enable us to deliver the "Wow Factor" for you!
Our team of Experience Specialists take a consultative approach to personalize and enhance your travel program and ensure a memorable experience at each and every event. Whether you are an avid fan or a company seeking to entertain and reward clients and employees, our extensive sports and entertainment travel experiences, coupled with our high-touch approach to service, enable us to deliver the "Wow Factor" for you!
On Point Events continues to be a recognized industry leader in providing distinctive travel experiences to the world's most sought after sports and entertainment events. Since 2004, we have been providing discerning travelers with incredible experiences at all their favorite events worldwide.
To accomplish this, we make a significant investment, years in advance of the events, which includes visiting the destinations, inspecting the finest hotels, establishing the right local partnerships, and exploring everything the destination has to offer from restaurants to the most unique tours.
To accomplish this, we make a significant investment, years in advance of the events, which includes visiting the destinations, inspecting the finest hotels, establishing the right local partnerships, and exploring everything the destination has to offer from restaurants to the most unique tours.
The 2021-22 UEFA Champions League will be the 67th season of Europe's premier club football tournament organized by UEFA, and the 30th season since it was renamed from the European Champion Clubs' Cup to the UEFA Champions League.
One of the most anticipated and watched sporting events in the world, the 2022 UEFA Champions League Final in Saint Petersburg will feature the two top teams in European club football go head-to-head for a chance to win the highly sought-after European Champion Club's Cup.3 (or more) night hotel accommodations in a superior or luxury hotel centrally located in Istanbul, Turkey.
One of the most anticipated and watched sporting events in the world, the 2022 UEFA Champions League Final in Saint Petersburg will feature the two top teams in European club football go head-to-head for a chance to win the highly sought-after European Champion Club's Cup.3 (or more) night hotel accommodations in a superior or luxury hotel centrally located in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Super Bowl is one of the most popular sporting events in the United States. It takes place every year and is where the champion team of the NFL (National Football League) is decided. Broadcasted in more than 170 countries, the Super Bowl causes heaps of fans to gather around their TV sets. Its extravagant halftime shows and celebrity performers add to its appeal and is also why it is one of the most-watched sporting events in the world.
Louisville's adopted slogan, "We've Got It", says it all. Because of Louisville's rich history and exciting future, it is easily one of America's best cities. The Kentucky Derby is famously known as the Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports, complete with fashionably large hats, southern hospitality, derby pie, and the mint julep.
Known for being dedicated to tradition, The Masters at Augusta National is known as one of the top bucket list golf events to attend. Rich in southern hospitality, Georgians open their arms to the only major golf championship that is held annually in the same location. Each year, the top golf players pine for the privilege of being awarded the coveted Green Jacket.
Reviews (3)
Kenneth Garnett
Jul 14, 2020
My wife and I booked a travel package for the Masters through On Point for April 2020, which due to COVID got postponed to November 2020. Just recently Augusta National announced they would not have any spectators in attendance in November. Obviously we were disappointed as we had really been looking forward to attend what for us has been a bucket list trip for years. However On Point Events was able to work with all their suppliers to get all of our reservations moved to April 2021 which was a huge relief! Their frequent communication and updates on their progress was simply great. We know that
Ray Dalio
Jun 22, 2018
Rick Sorrento
Oct 28, 2017
We took 10 of our top customers to the Masters Golf Tournament this year and were referred to On Point Events through one of our distributers who had used them before. Our experience was top notch. Their team took care of every possible detail throughout the trip so we could focus on our customers. We will probably make this an annual company trip and will certainly contine to use their services.