We welcome you and hope that the information shared here will be helpful to you. When planning a funeral, please keep in mind that the funeral is for the living. The funeral needs to meet the needs of a wide age range of survivors with various relationships to the deceased including spouse, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, siblings and other relatives and friends.
The funeral is a meaningful event that can help ease the natural pain of separation from the death of a loved one. It is a time to share memories with your family and friends. It is a time when respect, concern and appreciation for a life that has been well-lived can be expressed sincerely. The funeral is designed to create a valuable memory picture that will bring satisfaction and comfort to the survivors in the future.
The funeral is a meaningful event that can help ease the natural pain of separation from the death of a loved one. It is a time to share memories with your family and friends. It is a time when respect, concern and appreciation for a life that has been well-lived can be expressed sincerely. The funeral is designed to create a valuable memory picture that will bring satisfaction and comfort to the survivors in the future.
Staff members of the Jamison-Schmitz Funeral Homes are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. These requests and traditions are of utmost importance to our staff of licensed funeral directors. Our Cemetery Staff take great pride in providing a peaceful, beautiful and well maintained setting.
Large beautiful home with oak woodwork, built in 1900, remodeled with chapel and indoor ramp (handicapped accesible) entryway added in 1992. Capable of handling two visitations simultaneously with seating for up to 300 during services. Sound system throughout with multi disc CD player and organ for music.
Most of us plan ahead in life. We plan for our wedding, our children's education, family vacations, and other significant expected life events. We also plan for the unexpected events of life by purchasing home, auto and medical insurance. Understanding the benefits of planning ahead has prompted many to take the step to plan their own arrangements.
Most of us are not prepared to plan and carry out a funeral ceremony for someone we love. And so much of the information available on this critically important subject fails to focus on what is most important: having a personalized, meaningful funeral that helps families and friends begin the healing process of mourning after the death of someone we love.
You talk about many things with your loved ones: from day-to-day details to big events. Sharing stories with those who matter most isn't just important today; it will be especially significant when it's time to honor and commemorate your lives. Memorialization at the end of life is more than it used to be.
Reviews (1)
Mark Birdnow
Jul 15, 2018