Here at Kid's Castle in Texarkana, AR, we understand how important it is for you to find the right child care center. That's why we're dedicated to providing a safe and educationally stimulating environment for your child. We believe in customized learning for every child and reasonable pricing for every family.
That is why we are one of the leading child care centers in the greater Texarkana area. We take a three-pronged approach to child care in our Texarkana-based early learning center. Children need to feel safe, secure, and engaged. Parents need to be kept informed of their child's progress. Teachers need to be given the right tools to properly socialize the children in their care.
That is why we are one of the leading child care centers in the greater Texarkana area. We take a three-pronged approach to child care in our Texarkana-based early learning center. Children need to feel safe, secure, and engaged. Parents need to be kept informed of their child's progress. Teachers need to be given the right tools to properly socialize the children in their care.
At Kid's Castle in Texarkana, AR, we specialize in educating children starting from 6 weeks to 13 years old. Our childhood development experts make learning a wonderful community experience. Yet, we strive to treat each child as a unique individual with distinct needs. They learn from us but we also learn from them!
Kid's Castle invites you to make an appointment and visit our child care center in Texarkana, AR. We'll be pleased to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. Most of the children come to our institution from the Texarkana area (both Arkansas & Texas). However, our services are available to all children needing care.
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