Our Martial Arts program is an excellent way to increase physical fitness, learn self discipline, and boost self esteem. Classes are divided by age in order to to deliver positive reinforcing instruction that is catered to each age group. Four, Five and six-year olds are the most enthusiastic students.
They love creativity and problem solving, which makes them ideal students in the Martial Arts. The problem we discovered is they are so progressive in following tasks, some teachers tend to treat them like their older peers. This is a problem because they still do not have the basic skills necessary to keep up with children ages 7 and up.
They love creativity and problem solving, which makes them ideal students in the Martial Arts. The problem we discovered is they are so progressive in following tasks, some teachers tend to treat them like their older peers. This is a problem because they still do not have the basic skills necessary to keep up with children ages 7 and up.