Our house power washing services team has washed the exterior of single family homes and townhouses from Manassas and Gainesville to Centreville and South Riding. We use safe, low-pressure techniques to prevent damage to your exterior siding. Our team members will start with a visual inspection of your home's exterior to make sure your siding hasn't dislodged and created space for water damage to occur.
The cleaning materials we use are tough enough to loosen up dirt, pollen, and mold without damaging the exterior of your house, and will greatly improve its appearance. For the last 20 plus years our Deck Power Washing Company has been cleaning and staining decks, and restoring their natural beauty for our valued customers and homeowners.
The cleaning materials we use are tough enough to loosen up dirt, pollen, and mold without damaging the exterior of your house, and will greatly improve its appearance. For the last 20 plus years our Deck Power Washing Company has been cleaning and staining decks, and restoring their natural beauty for our valued customers and homeowners.
Advanced Pressure Washing is owned and operated by two brothers, Chris and Nick Harkleroad. Chris and Nick were born and raised in Northern Virginia. They started off as weekend warriors just trying to make a few dollars but enjoyed being outdoors and the customer satisfaction that comes with cleaning the exterior of a home and making it look better than the homeowner remembered.
Power Washing Prices in Northern VA have a wide range depending on several different factors. The number one factor in the price of a job usually comes down to the type of power washing company you hire. A professional company is going to have more overhead than some guy who bought his power washer a Lowe's or Home Depot and just throws it in the back of his truck to do subcontracting work.
There are a lot of risks by attempting to "do it yourself" or hiring a company using high pressure washers. When a cleaning service recommends using high pressure on your house they are relying on old techniques with outdated equipment and harmful chemicals. Some homes aren't made to be blasted with an industrial pressure washer.
Our SoftWash Roof Cleaning Service at Advanced Pressure Washing turns the pressure down, and allows science to do the work of improving your home's appearance and protecting your roofing materials. Those black or dark green stains that makes your home look old and may cause you to violate your home owners' associations policy.
Our gutter cleaning service professionals are experienced at clearing debris out of your gutter drain pipes, downspouts and cleaning gutters by hand. We also use our high-water volume machine to flush out your downspouts to provide long lasting results. Our goal is to keep your water drainage system flowing away from your house instead of on it or under it.
Reviews (5)
Sheryl Nazareth
Sep 20, 2021
Well most of my reviews appreciate the hard work and excellent service done by businesses, this company is a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. While power washing my home they cracked my outside basement door and had the audacity to walk out without telling me. After repeated phone calls they said they will fix it but till date they haven't. HIGHLY DISAPPOINTMENT by their TERRIBLE TREATMENT. Will NEVER RECOMMEND this company. Based on good reviews I hired them but made they proved me wrong.
Frederick Gresham
Jun 13, 2019
Barbara Selick
May 27, 2019
Andrew Tarbox
Nov 17, 2018
Clifton Cunningham
Jun 12, 2018