Dunn & Wilson prides itself in service of clients on a personal basis, experience on a wide range of issues, problem solving, hard work, flexible hours, availability/accessibility, responsiveness, reasonable rates and a helpful staff. The Attorneys at Dunn & Wilson both have over 25 years of experience in all types of legal matters.
We specialize in Civil Litigation, including Personal Injury, Government Relations, Real Estate Closings, Landlord Tenant issues, and Business Law. As experienced, always approachable attorneys, we can help you resolve your legal matters.
We specialize in Civil Litigation, including Personal Injury, Government Relations, Real Estate Closings, Landlord Tenant issues, and Business Law. As experienced, always approachable attorneys, we can help you resolve your legal matters.
Our attorneys possess high academic credentials and a deep commitment to provide quality personal service. We feel every client is entitled to qualified legal representation for Civil Litigation, including Personal Injury, Government Relations, Real Estate Closings, Landlord Tenant issues, and Business Law.
Attorney for the Massachusetts State Senate participating extensively in the state budgetary process and in the drafting and analysis of legislation filed in the General Court of Massachusetts. Provided legal advice to the State Senate and its individual members on myriad of government related issues.