Help your college-bound child explore scholarships, grants, and more with this article on paying for higher education. Social media may be a modern imperative for businesses looking to grow and build their brand, but it also introduces risk. Successful sector investing is dependent upon an accurate analysis about when to rotate in and out.
Important as it is, Medicare does not cover the full range of health-care expenses you may experience in your golden years. One of the most common questions people ask about Social Security is when they should start taking benefits. Help determine the required minimum distribution from an IRA or another qualified retirement plan.
Important as it is, Medicare does not cover the full range of health-care expenses you may experience in your golden years. One of the most common questions people ask about Social Security is when they should start taking benefits. Help determine the required minimum distribution from an IRA or another qualified retirement plan.
Shafer Financial Services (formerly known as: A+ Accounting & Financial Services) was founded in 1992 by Marsha Shafer. In 2005, her son, Chad officially joined the firm. Our office has always been in the Baldwin community and since 2003 we've been located at 550 10th Avenue, Baldwin, WI 54002. If you know us, you know we enjoy helping people.
Marsha founded what is now Shafer Financial Services in 1992, after more than a decade in the corporate world. Her background in tax, finance, and accounting provides her with a comprehensive viewpoint on financial planning* - one that. Chad officially joined Shafer Financial Services over a decade ago (in 2005), but unofficially it was probably closer to two decades.
Avantax helps you reach your goals by focusing on the total picture. Our company was created on the principle that a comprehensive, Tax-Smart approach to a person's financial situation will deliver better results. We pioneered Tax-Smart Investing over 30 years ago, and we have grown through delivery of superior results for our valued clients.
Manage personal affairs while you're alive and control the distribution of wealth upon your death. A well-structured insurance strategy can help protect your loved ones from the financial consequences of unexpected events. Create an investment strategy that's designed to pursue your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals.
Asking the right questions about how you can save money for retirement without sacrificing your quality of life. Learn about the importance of having an estate strategy in this helpful and informative video. Ready for retirement? Find out why many are considering encore careers and push your boundaries into something more, here.
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