Always disliked the puffy jackets of other brands due to noise and lack of real insulation, but this jacket is incredible for everything so far. It's never too hot and never too cold. It's mostly silent unless moving vigorously. The sleeves fit nicely over my watch and the cuffs of my gloves. Great pocket locations also.
I just switched from Sitka and Pnuma to First Lite. So far this is the best hunting/outdoor gear I've ever had. The fit is perfect, and the material is soft and quiet and stretches in all directions, which makes it perfect for bowhunting. The camo pattern blends into the environment on the ground or in a tree.
I just switched from Sitka and Pnuma to First Lite. So far this is the best hunting/outdoor gear I've ever had. The fit is perfect, and the material is soft and quiet and stretches in all directions, which makes it perfect for bowhunting. The camo pattern blends into the environment on the ground or in a tree.
We're pumped to present you our latest HUSH Movie, "Find A Way" featuring our good friend, Daniel Roberts. Follow along as we put the stalk on bull elk in Nevada with the goal of getting Daniel his first elk. We hope this movie inspires you, moves you, and makes you appreciate life. Are you doing summer prep for fall buck hunting opportunities?
First Lite strives to provide the best possible apparel for the hunter who demands nothing less. We design simple products that work for the tree stand, on the back forty or a nine-day expedition in the Brooks Range. We also fully understand that the passion of our customers and employees depends on the conservation of the world's wildlife resources and the protection of our collective access to the wild places they inhabit.
It can be mighty hard to say what kind of weather a western rifle hunt might lead you into. Built for the most unpredictable conditions, our Western Rifle Kit is designed to keep you cool in unforeseen heat and warm when an unexpected storm rolls through. The packable insulation and rainwear of the Chamberlin Down Jacket and Stormlight series will protect you from the elements without weighing you down in the backcountry.
This midseason whitetail kit is made for days in the stand when temperatures are as cold as 40°F and reach the mid-50s. Built off of midweight merino wool baselayers, our new Whitetail Catalyst system, and Solitude Insulated Vest, it's an excellent system for the second half of September into late October or for hunters in the Southeast during the Rut.
Sweat less and stay more comfortable with First Lite's Aerowool Technology. Aerowool is the perfect marriage of First Lite's superfine Merino Wool and the 37.5 Technology utilized in our Outerwear System. The result is an ultralight fabric that fights stink like the Merino you love but dries three to five times faster, retains its shape, and is far more durable.
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