Present Elearning Systems
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What's more important in the treatment of ankle fractures, the degree the physician holds or the patient's outcome? Dr Shapiro analyzes an interesting research study about outcomes of ORIF of ankle fractures by podiatric surgeons. In this 48-year-old Type II insulin dependent diabetic male, the wound and associated sepsis made limb loss and/or mortality a pressing concern.

Options were primary limb amputation versus an attempt at limb salvage. Have you ever felt a little lost because something you held as a gold standard has now been called into question? Everyone in the medical practice faces this at some point. In this issue, Dr Shapiro discusses how to handle when the "established" changes.
PRESENT e-Learning Systems has emerged as the leader in the dynamic field of multimedia online medical education and social networking. As more and more continuing medical education moves from live venues to the online realm, PRESENT e-Learning Systems has developed many of the enabling technologies to create high quality effective educational programming.
PRESENT e-Learning Systems is pleased to have joined together in an Alliance Partnership with these fine entities. PRESENT chooses our Alliance Partners carefully, in consideration of the quality of the work that they do, the value they add to the Podiatry profession, and their reputation in the podiatry profession and the health care systems we work in.
Alaska law requires an average of 25 hours of Category I AMA- or AOA-approved continuing education hours for each year of the licensing period (two-year licensing cycle). At the time of renewal, the licensee must attest to compliance with the CME requirements. After renewal is completed, the division will perform a computer-generated random audit of licensees who will be required to provide proof of CME courses.
PRESENT e-Learning Systems is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. CME activities on the PRESENT Podiatry website provide Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) for podiatrists as noted on each activity. CECHs for activities range from 0.5 to 1.0.
We welcome you to a groundbreaking new tool for the worldwide podiatry community. PRESENT Podiatry, podiatry's largest provider of online CME education and among the largest podiatry CME conference providers, presents this innovative educational concept for the foot care team.

It is designed to connect podiatry researchers and care givers around the world into a collaborative community, with the single goal of improving foot care and supporting the fine work that foot care professionals do.We invite you to sign up free for the PRESENT Podiatry community and start earning online podiatry CME and learning in a vibrant online community now.
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