Mexpress Transportation was founded in 1998 with the goal of improving transit and Customs clearance time to and from Mexico. In 1998, moving cargo in-bond in Mexico had just been re-established. Mexican Customs authorities made the process of getting such operating authority nearly impossible. Mexpress prevailed and began offering in-bond service to the airports of Guadalajara and Mexico City in 2000.
Mexpress provided transit times of 48 and 60 hours from Los Angeles Airport using Nogales Sonora as the point of entrance, a first in the marketplace! These transit times competed with deferred air service and in many cases beat standard air freight service due to backlogs at LAX owing to lack of space and service providers.
Mexpress provided transit times of 48 and 60 hours from Los Angeles Airport using Nogales Sonora as the point of entrance, a first in the marketplace! These transit times competed with deferred air service and in many cases beat standard air freight service due to backlogs at LAX owing to lack of space and service providers.
Mexpress provides a scheduled LTL Road Feeder service between 4 airport locations in Mexico and our Dallas, Houston and Los Angeles drop stations. This service bypasses the normal border clearance process and instead, the freight moves directly to the destination airports where the shipments clear Mexican Customs just as if they arrived by air freight.
Using our BONDED TRUCK PROGRAM, you can consolidate your pre-labeled parcels in the U.S. and ZONE SKIP them to clear Mexican Customs at the destination airports! We can then turn them over to our partner or small package carrier of your choice for customs clearance and final mile delivery. Mexpress will improve your parcel service times by as much as 5-6 days over conventional "cross border" truck services.
Mexpress Transportation provides a truckload service from all points in the United states to 13 airports in Mexico. Unlike all other carriers, we bypass the border clearance process and go directly to the Mexico airports for clearance. This service eliminates all of the costs and delays that are associated with the border.
If you haven't already, you will find our site contains information about our company, the points we serve across North America and how we can provide solutions to more than just transportation problems. Our primary service, however, is being the fastest way to move freight across the border. One way we've streamlined the shipping process is knowing what forms you will need and having them prepared in advance.
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