Health Leadership High School
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Health Leadership High School
Project-Based Learning is essential to all learning process. It has never been emphasized in such a magnitude in today's schools around the world, though every learning process has involved "PBL" in a conventional classroom in an example-based mode. PBL is not only a style but an ability. We are proudly celebrating our students' achievements of their powerful PBL and awakening the great importance of a meaningful, powerful and rigorous teaching and learning through HLHS family where leaders are made!
At HLHS credits are earned through demonstration of mastery of Common Core, National and State Standards. This means each student must produce evidence of their learning as well as show that they can apply that knowledge to real-world problems and projects. Students demonstrate mastery in many ways: group discussions, presentations, learning logs, products/deliverables, mini-exhibitions and the final exhibition.
If you have any questions regarding Student Support or would like to request to meet with one of our School Social Workers please visit the HLHS Student Support Team website. At Health Leadership, we ask students to take big risks both academically and personally. High expectations require high levels of support, thus building a supportive community is important.
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a district advisory council made up of parents, students, community members, and school staff working together to improve the health of all students and families.

Students if you live in any of the following situations: A shelter, a motel or campground due to lack of an alternative accommodation, in a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship, the school can assist you to make sure your education is not interrupted as a result.You can speak to Student Support Director Velinda Pearson for support and options.
At Health Leadership, we ask students to take big risks both academically and personally. High expectations require high levels of support, thus a 360-degree model of support is a priority of our educational program. The student support team works to foster an environment of Positive Youth Development.
In response to the Yazzie and Martinez consolidated lawsuit, and at the direction of NMPED, HLHS formed an Equity Council to support the equity and inclusion initiatives of the District. We are embracing the opportunity to work toward serving New Mexico students by building an equitable, excellent, and relevant educational system that draws upon the experiences and strengths of our communities.
Reviews (2)
Monica Ramirez
Monica Ramirez
Oct 27, 2021
This is a really good son is doing way better than Rio Grande I tell u that..The teachers there r so awesome🤩👍
Why Not
Why Not
Dec 24, 2017
I cannot believe that the board hasn't set thier sights on changing that horrible and ill mannered " executive director ". No student should be treated badly because of her uncontrollable temperment.