North Shore Chinese Medicine
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North Shore Chinese Medicine offers Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine throughout the Highland Park area. Our acupuncture office is in downtown Highland Park at 600 Laurel Ave. Acupuncture is a safe, comprehensive system of health care which activates the natural healing abilities of the body. Acupuncture is performed by stimulating specific acupuncture meridian points on various areas of the body.

It helps builds resistance to disease and reduces pain. It promotes relaxation, treats emotional issues, and creates an overall feeling of well-being.
Although acupuncture is a central tenant of the practice of Chinese Medicine, several other modalities are included and can be used to promote healing and wellness. We will discuss the best options for your treatment. Any or all of the following modalities may be used during the course of your treatment.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine complement conventional medicine. They are not substitutes for any conventional medical advice, medications or treatments. As a complement to conventional medicine, acupuncture can treat both acute and chronic problems such as insomnia, digestive and elimination problems, headaches and migraines, sleeping disorders, chronic pain, stopping smoking, eating disorders, weight loss, and much more.
Your first visit will begin with an in-depth assessment of your condition and an initial treatment. The intake and treatment will take an hour. Typical follow-up treatments last approximately 45-50 minutes. During the assessment, you may be asked about things that you might not think are connected to your chief complaint, such as your emotions, sleeping patterns, and eating habits.
In this section you will find information on your role in the healing process. I believe strongly in educating my clients and equipping them with the tools to sustain their health independently whenever possible. The more you become involved with your health care, the better you will feel. Spend some time thinking about what you would like to achieve from your acupuncture treatment.
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