The Providence High School Band program is a comprehensive band program that consists of three concert ensembles (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band), a Marching Band (The Pride of Providence), a Winter Guard, a Percussion ensemble, a Jazz Band, various chamber ensembles. The program was begun in 1989 with the opening of Providence High School and has a rich history of quality music education and outstanding performances.
The program currently serves over 200 students. The Providence Bands have been led by four outstanding band directors, whose leadership and service to music education have been noted in the South Central District and throughout the state of North Carolina. Dr. Robert Maddox (1989-2000) was the first band director at Providence.
The program currently serves over 200 students. The Providence Bands have been led by four outstanding band directors, whose leadership and service to music education have been noted in the South Central District and throughout the state of North Carolina. Dr. Robert Maddox (1989-2000) was the first band director at Providence.
CHARMS is a management, communication and financial program used by the Booster Club. We use Charms to maintain up-to-date contact information, send group emails and track fee payments, fundraising profits and account balances. You may also make payments via credit card using Charms (additional fee applies).
The Providence Senior High Band Booster Club welcomes all volunteers and we look forward to having you join us! Parent involvement is KEY to our band program's success. To get involved, simply review the list of volunteer descriptions to discover the many committees that you can support with your time and talents.
Providence High School has many opportunities to participate in our music program. In additon to traditional concert ensembles, we have a Marching Band and Winter Guard that add a visual element to the performance experience. During the Spring semester many concert students participate in the Jazz band, a volunteer after-school ensemble.
The Providence HS Bands is pleased to make available many of our gently used Color Guard and Winter Guard costumes, props, and flags for sale to other organizations. All items have been cleaned before placing into storage and are in excellent condition. Please contact Joshua K Potter for more information or to purchase any of the items below.
Your participation in preparing for Providence Cup event is very important! Each marching band student is required to sell $60 in a business ad or assist in securing a sponsorship for the Providence Cup. Descriptions of the jobs are provided through the Sign-up links, so please go to Sign-up Genius and sign up where you can help.
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