Receive a monthly email filled with nature based healing information and details on upcoming classes. Herb Uses: Cinnamon is an herb that is useful both as a culinary herb and with well documented medicinal properties. There have been multiple clinical studies by many countries confirming the health benefits of this herb/spice.
Herb Uses: Basil is a culinary herb with documented medicinal properties. It is reported to contain Vitamins A, B & D. It contains Calcium, Phosphorus, and Iron & Magnesium. Our products & services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Herb Uses: Basil is a culinary herb with documented medicinal properties. It is reported to contain Vitamins A, B & D. It contains Calcium, Phosphorus, and Iron & Magnesium. Our products & services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
At what point do you stop the craziness of your life and begin the real journey to know your true self? My mission is to share with you the tools, techniques and universal teachings that have been shared with me to support my journey. Many of these are related to healing my perception and beliefs of myself and releasing trapped emotions from previous traumatic events.
Supporting your physical body opens a doorway to your emotional and mental health. Our modern lifestyle stressors accumulate over time. Bodywork is no longer considered a luxury but instead is a way to release the traumas, energies and emotional worries before they solidify into physical "dis-ease".
Just recently I learned that toxic compounds in the body are fat soluble. And to protect us our body makes fat to isolate those compounds from our organs and tissues. After a long cold winter it seems that Spring has burst out everywhere in the same moment! Do you find allergy symptoms kicking in? Sneezing?
Raindrop Technique blends basic massage techniques for the spine with a carefully chosen, layered sequence of eight Young Living Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils to provide cellular level detoxification that may improve bodily functions and support physical and emotional wellness.
Raindrop Technique is a sequence of anointing with therapeutic grade essential oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner.The Raindrop oils are high in phenolic content to ward off potentially damaging viruses and bacteria while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance inter- and intra-cellular communication.
Raindrop Technique is a sequence of anointing with therapeutic grade essential oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner.The Raindrop oils are high in phenolic content to ward off potentially damaging viruses and bacteria while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance inter- and intra-cellular communication.
Massage is an ancient method of healing that has been proven to be effective on almost every system of the body. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, my approach is to intuitively combine a variety of modalities to provide a relaxing therapeutic table massage based on your specific needs. Private table massage sessions must be scheduled in advance and are provided at my office.