Certified is the trusted service provider for corporate logistics and relocation services in the Tri-State Area: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and the Mid-Atlantic Region. Our deep-rooted industry experience and expertise in the areas of Project Management, FFE Distribution & Installation, Demountable Glass Wall Installation, Corporate Relocation & Warehousing, and Change Management Services make us a multifaceted and powerful resource for our clients.We manage the process; we are detail-oriented.
Certified is the trusted industry leader and innovator in corporate relocation services. Our Project Management teams ensure success by managing and executing our services with military-like precision. Certified is one of the largest labor contractors in the New York City area with facilities, equipment, and in-house labor capabilities.
Taking a business to a new location is a multifaceted process that begins with site selection and ends with employees transitioning seamlessly into a new space. The process to get them there requires the impeccable planning, precise scheduling, and budgetary intelligence that is Certified's reputation.