Food & Ankle Treatment Center
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Dr. Gowdie offers care and treatment for all ankle problems including sprains, fractures, & arthritis. Read what patients are saying about Dr. Gowdie and his expertise in diagnosis and treatment of all foot and ankle issues and leave your own review. Come visit Dr. Gowdie's unique office atmosphere where you will find yourself in relaxed, soothing, and comfortable surroundings to calm your anxieties.
We strive to develop a collaborative relationship with every patient. A better informed patient is able to understand the problem, diagnosis, treatment options, and work with us to formulate a medical plan to heal, restore, and rejuvenate their life. We always take the time to answer your questions, to really listen to you and to understand all your concerns.
When I found you on Facebook, my right ankle was swollen and very painful due to old football injuries and arthritis. Your treatment with the shots, insoles and the laser have really helped! I must admit I was a little skeptical about the laser treatments, but since you gave me the series of 12 ten minute treatments, I have no pain or swelling in my ankle.
This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI) to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations (TPO) and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law. It also describes your rights to access and control your protected health information.
Here at The Foot and Ankle Treatment Center we have amazing advanced medical technology in foot and ankle care at our disposal to get you through many of the issues that in earlier days would have been life changing setbacks. Below are a list of common ailments and injuries of the foot that we treat and a very brief description of possible symptoms.
Heel pain can be a truly debilitating condition, having a significant impact on your daily life. It can limit your ability to accomplish simple tasks like grocery shopping, walking the dog, or playing with your children or grandchildren. It has been estimated that as many as 2 million people will experience plantar heel pain.
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