Stories of How Meaningful Family Engagement is Strengthening Early Childhood Systems in New Hampshire. PIC is here to answer your special education questions! Our staff can be reached by email or by leaving a voicemail message at 603-224-7005 (don't forget to leave your first and last name, call back number, and a detailed message).
Learn more about the important social-emotional skills that are the foundation for all young children's learning! Your generous tax-deductible gift, at whatever level, will go a long way in broadening our outreach to New Hampshire's families. Please select "Donate Now" to give a gift online!
Learn more about the important social-emotional skills that are the foundation for all young children's learning! Your generous tax-deductible gift, at whatever level, will go a long way in broadening our outreach to New Hampshire's families. Please select "Donate Now" to give a gift online!
Established four decades ago, with the belief that all children can succeed with the right support, the NH Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities dba the Parent Information Center (PIC) provides a wealth of services designed to help parents understand their child's special needs and the laws that govern the early intervention (called Family Center Early Supports and Services in NH) and special education process.
PIC is a statewide family organization that provides families and youth, with a focus on children/youth with disabilities/special health care needs, and the providers who serve them, with the knowledge and support they need to make informed decisions that enhance each child's development and well-being.
Serving New Hampshire families of children birth to age 26 and youth with all disabilities. Since 1975, the Parent Information Center on Special Education (PIC on Special Education) has been providing information, training and support to families who have a child with a disability so that they may participate effectively as team members in the Special Education process.
Sometimes parents need a greater level of assistance than can be provided over the phone or through a workshop to understanding their child's IEP and make sure it addresses all their child's educational needs. The Advocates for Families of Children with Disabilities (AFC) program can provide this assistance.
Through our national network, we provide families with tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care. It is estimated that 10.2 million children in the United States have special health care needs.
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