For small- and mid-sized New Jersey businesses, the best solution is usually a Managed IT plan and its many productivity-enhancing features. Moving your onsite office technology to our "cloud-hosted" Internet platform will relieve you of all the usual hardware & software maintenance tasks, and provide an array of business benefits.
IT has a direct impact on a company's success, but optimizing it and keeping it performing properly requires expertise you may not possess. In that case, you'd benefit from a partnership with Systems Chief, one of New Jersey's leading providers of productivity-enhancing business solutions that we'll tailor to your most pressing needs.
You'll have a right-hand man overseeing every aspect of your office technology so you don't have to worry about it. Systems Chief's Managed IT services are popular with local businesses because they optimize IT systems performance, streamline telecom & mobile platforms, and protect data from hackers and natural disasters.
Huge savings and no IT maintenance hassles when Systems Chief hosts and manages your servers & software for you. Microsoft Office 365 - Online versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, and much more, always available without any licensing hassles. Data On-Demand - Documents get backed up in real time automatically and, once again, they're available from anywhere on any device.
Innovative E-Commerce solutions for Apparel, Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution, and Healthcare businesses. One large clothing maker's deadlines and deliveries used to always run late, until Systems Chief's founder Enrico Bozzetti stepped in. Big retailers need EDI (electronic data interchange) systems that deliver accurate transaction information for big bulk orders, and do so in real time.
Improve your operations with software that helps analyze, optimize, and automate business processes across the entire organization. Optimizing how your employees conduct their everyday, document-based tasks takes more than a slick new software app. It requires looking closely at the processes you have in place for ordering, invoicing, shipping, receiving, hiring, firing, and anything else that falls under the "business process" umbrella.