I provide representation to those accused of a crime. Whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, a criminal conviction can potentially result in incarceration and heavy fines. The need for an attorney in this situation cannot be overstated. I provide representation to those accused of a traffic offense.
If you owe a debt and have been referred to this site by a business in the Richmond area, view your options. If you are a business interested in having me take over your collections matters, you may also email or call my office. Specializing in criminal law, legal research, litigation, criminal defense, fraud and personal injury cases.
If you owe a debt and have been referred to this site by a business in the Richmond area, view your options. If you are a business interested in having me take over your collections matters, you may also email or call my office. Specializing in criminal law, legal research, litigation, criminal defense, fraud and personal injury cases.