Our mission is to support the development of a sustainable health system to meet the needs of the Cap-Haitien community in Haiti with maximum local direction and support. Thanks to all our donors, sponsors, and supporters we raised over $80,000 this summer for the We Walk with Haiti Fundraiser! The money raised will go towards providing critical healthcare services for the people of Cap-Haitian, Haiti.
Additionally, we have already disbursed a portion of. You can contribute by volunteering to help in the office or warehouse in Maine, or by applying to become a traveling volunteer to Haiti. Konbit Sante relies on donations, both cash and non-cash, and actions, both big and small, to help sustain and build on what we do.
Additionally, we have already disbursed a portion of. You can contribute by volunteering to help in the office or warehouse in Maine, or by applying to become a traveling volunteer to Haiti. Konbit Sante relies on donations, both cash and non-cash, and actions, both big and small, to help sustain and build on what we do.
We approach our work knowing that we do not have all of the answers and that, in fact, Haitian problems need Haitian solutions. Konbit Sante has made great strides in strengthening capacity for a healthier Haiti. But we have not done it alone. It has only been possible by collaborating closely with our partners in Haiti and with the generous support of our donors and volunteers.
Konbit Sante Cap-Haitien Health Partnership is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation founded in the state of Maine. Since 2001, we have supported the development of a sustainable health system that meets the needs of the community in and near Cap-Haitien, the second-largest city in Haiti and a sister city to Portland, Maine.
Konbit Sante is deeply grateful for the generous support we receive that makes our work possible. One of our core values is to recognize the contributions of our donors, funding organizations, volunteers, and staff. We strive to be a good steward of all resources entrusted to us, seeking the most benefit for the people of northern Haiti.
The bedrock of a successful health system is formed by a well-trained and well-equipped staff partnered with a community that has access to care and health education. Konbit Sante supports this in a number of ways. We support the salaries of numerous staff employed by our partners and provide training opportunities, both by ourselves and in conjunction with other NGOs and health professionals.
Effective delivery of health services needs well-managed programs, systems, and institutions. Management is the mortar that holds together all of the other "building blocks" of a well-functioning health system. Konbit Sante works with our health partners on management training, collaborative development of business plans, and improvement of basic information systems.