Goddess is the feminine aspect of God/Creator/Source of all things, the Universal healing energy that nurtures, protects, and feeds our hungry souls as a loving mother who tends to her infant. Let us invite our Inner Child to find love and acceptance in our life again, so that we may allow peace, love, joy, happiness, and prosperity from this moment forward.
Born an empath, psychic, prophetic channel, facilitator and teacher, my purpose is to INTEGRATE a Direction to access High Vibrational Frequencies to Light for Higher Consciousness growth during the shifts in the universes of duality and form.
Born an empath, psychic, prophetic channel, facilitator and teacher, my purpose is to INTEGRATE a Direction to access High Vibrational Frequencies to Light for Higher Consciousness growth during the shifts in the universes of duality and form.
IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING stress, dis-ease, pain, (either mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical), headaches, flu-like symptoms, and other discomforts, and you're questioning your values/beliefs, you are mutating back to what you already truly are: LIGHT BODY! (For a list of symptoms, please see Article - DNA.)
In a "Life Reading" session, I consciously access multi-dimensional information for your best and highest without the use of any props as I am "prophetic" and do not require cards, stones, etc., to give readings. Your masters, guides and Higher Self are in communion with mine.
Therefore, your choice of accessing specific information through me opens up the 'floodgates' of Divine Expression through time, space and dimension, as time and space only exists here in the 3rd Dimension.I also may access information from your etheric bodies, energy fields to verify the flow of energy, as directed by your Light "team" and, of course, with your permission.
Therefore, your choice of accessing specific information through me opens up the 'floodgates' of Divine Expression through time, space and dimension, as time and space only exists here in the 3rd Dimension.I also may access information from your etheric bodies, energy fields to verify the flow of energy, as directed by your Light "team" and, of course, with your permission.
A PET PSYCHIC is a highly sensitive person & can communicate telepathically with animals, even deceased. I was fostering Trixie, where she ripped a hole in my patio screen and got out. I contacted Carole after 3 days of Trixie's absence, who was able to connect with Trixie, seeing through Trixie's eyes to locate her being in my neighborhood.
Attention to all Reiki Masters and Level II Practitioners! 2 full days of focused learning and hands-on. Learn 4 more Sacred Symbols and their applications; Learn techniques for manifestation; Learn Sacred formulae to release emotional stress and trauma (past, present and future lives); Learn to find the cause through Sacred techniques and how to release addictions, other emotional imbalances; and more.
This application is a non-invasive process using essential oils to help correct defects in the curvature of the spine. Many misalignments are caused by viruses or bacteria that lie dormant along the spine, creating inflammation, and nerve damage. This technique is a revolutionary way to look at bringing balance and harmony to the body: physically, mentally, and emotionally, moving beyond the blood and brain barrier.