Minco Inc has been a world class manufacturer of custom precision equipment to the oil and gas industry since 1978. The team of vastly experienced Minco machinists operate high speed multiple axis CNC machining centers for quick turnaround delivery on complex large diameter parts. Our expertise in turnkey projects and diligence using the Phillip Crosby quality initiatives has helped Minco provide customers peace of mind and exceptional value for over 30 years.
Minco provides automated GTAW-P-HW (Pulsed, Hotwire, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) clad welding services. Minco holds corrosion resistant overlay procedures for low alloy steels including: 4130, 8630, and F22 to 625 nickel alloy. Our commitment to operate a CRA overlay program that is compliant with the latest revisions of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes and NACE MR0175/API 6 & 16A.