I am a psychiatrist in private practice, currently seeing clients who live in Greenville, SC and surrounding areas. I work with adult women and men. My practice is structured for the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. I am a board-certified MD with expertise in psychotherapy. The goal is to identify, tackle, and resolve the issues that keep you from enjoying life.
For questions, or to ask about a consultation, call me directly at 864-320-4477. If you receive voicemail, please leave a brief message including your name, phone number, and your reason for calling. Office is located off Haywood Road, near Haywood Mall. If traveling from Spartanburg or Anderson, Take I-85 to I-385 N toward Greenville, and take exit 39.
For questions, or to ask about a consultation, call me directly at 864-320-4477. If you receive voicemail, please leave a brief message including your name, phone number, and your reason for calling. Office is located off Haywood Road, near Haywood Mall. If traveling from Spartanburg or Anderson, Take I-85 to I-385 N toward Greenville, and take exit 39.
My practice is structured for the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. The goal is to identify, tackle, and resolve the issues that keep you from enjoying life. I am a psychiatrist in private practice. To ensure confidential treatment, I take my own calls and I manage my own scheduling. There are no other staff members who will have access to your information.
Represented all psychiatry residents in state of Virginia as voting member of Board of Directors, Psychiatric Society of Virginia. As a physician, I have extensive medical training. As a psychiatrist, I have expertise in diagnosing conditions such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. As a therapist, I can help you resolve the conflicts or lifelong burdens causing some of your symptoms.