Quality First Home Improvement, Inc. is a name that can be trusted to take care of all your exterior home improvement needs. Our staff is knowledgeable and up-to-date on all of our products and industry, and our installation technicians are specialized in their field of expertise - so your job is done right the first time!
A project manager is assigned to oversee every aspect of your job which, allows you as the homeowner to deal with only one person. When you buy from us, you will be getting top-of-the-line products with the best warranties in the industry.
A project manager is assigned to oversee every aspect of your job which, allows you as the homeowner to deal with only one person. When you buy from us, you will be getting top-of-the-line products with the best warranties in the industry.
We're making your next home improvement project more affordable, with ZERO DOWN and 100% Financing available. Call today for an estimate, and odds are you can get that kitchen or bathroom remodel done in time for the holidays! Quality First has an A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau and is a full-service sales and installation contractor with 100 years of combined experience and over 34,000 happy customers.
The solar power industry is steadily rising and solar panels are starting to become more affordable. Why should you invest in your own solar power system? Protect yourself from future price increases in utility-supplied electricity. Data from the U.S. Energy Information Association shows that the price of electricity has increased about 3 cents/kWh in the last 10 years and is projected to keep growing.
Your roof is old and you're wondering if you should replace it or wait another year. A roof replacement is not something to ignore. A worn roof can hide trapped moisture causing dry rot and a leak can find its way into the attic, ruining your insulation and eventually creeping into the ceiling below.
Quality First Home Improvement window replacement installers are factory trained and experts in all aspects of window installation. This includes widening or narrowing of the window opening, and installation of sidelights if desired. PlyGem is a premier manufacturer of windows and window components, and their windows are renowned for their durability, energy efficiency, and quality.
Quality First Home Improvement, Inc. is an authorized seller and installer of TEX-COTE coatings and is among just a handful of companies nationwide selected by Textured Coatings of America to install their COOLWALL and REFLECT-TEC products. Though the product is sprayed on like paint, COOLWALL and REFLECT-TEC contain very little water and requires high-pressure airless guns and nozzles for application.
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