Willpower doesn't work. Like moods and emotions, willpower fluctuates. One day it's strong. The next day it may be weak. Using hypnosis, the goal is to eliminate the desire for cigarettes or other tobacco products. Do you desire to change your weight or size?
Hypnosis helps you to accomplish your dream through more desirable thoughts and attitudes about your life; easily control your portion size; make good choices about foods you enjoy that help you be healthier and slimmer.It's not just about a temporary change. It's about maintaining it with ease and hypnosis helps you create a plan to do that.
Hypnosis helps you to accomplish your dream through more desirable thoughts and attitudes about your life; easily control your portion size; make good choices about foods you enjoy that help you be healthier and slimmer.It's not just about a temporary change. It's about maintaining it with ease and hypnosis helps you create a plan to do that.
Barbara Hawkins specializes in the use of NLP techniques for post traumatic stress disorder, phobias, grief resolution, and regression therapy. In 2003 Barbara became a Certified Hypnosis Instructor and has received nothing but praise from those attending her classes.
After 18 years' experience as a Hypnotist and 20 years as an Instructor in self-hypnosis (The Silva Method) I can truly say that my life has been, and continues to be, tremendously improved and enriched by using the same tools I use with my clients.It thrills me to share these hypnosis techniques with students who take the Hypnosis Certification Training - the cream of Hypnosis, NLP and Applied Kinesiology presented in a practical format.
After 18 years' experience as a Hypnotist and 20 years as an Instructor in self-hypnosis (The Silva Method) I can truly say that my life has been, and continues to be, tremendously improved and enriched by using the same tools I use with my clients.It thrills me to share these hypnosis techniques with students who take the Hypnosis Certification Training - the cream of Hypnosis, NLP and Applied Kinesiology presented in a practical format.
One of the techniques Barbara teaches in this class is a way to get back into alignment with your life purpose. I thought the idea was neat when I heard it but I didn't realize the impact it made until a few days later. Somewhere between reviewing my business plan a week before Barbara's event and reviewing the plan again a week after, the revenue I was estimating I would make this year went from $55,000 to $150,000.
Clients will be informed of the purposes of and resources available under Washington State RCW Chapter 18.19, including the right of clients to refuse treatment, the responsibility of clients for choosing the provider and treatment modality which best suits their needs, and the extent of confidentiality provided by RCW 18.19.
Hear about cases of resolving sleep apnea, obesity, negative relationship patterns, stuttering, breathing difficulties, anxiety, and new method of helping victims of childhood abuse. Delivery method is MP3. If you need a CD instead, please send email to Hypnotherapy. I have had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Hawkins and taking her comprehensive course in hypnosis.
Because you're working with me, you're more aware of your commitment to yourself to accomplish things you may have thought were beyond your reach. You create a plan which includes programming and, when you act on your plans, you move to success. I help you identify your true vision for your life taking into account your values, personal strengths, talents, training and more.
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