AA MY YELLOW CAB is located in Elk Grove Ca 95757. We provide Taxi Cab Service for all of Elk Grove Ca, 95757, 95624, 95758, 95828 and 95759. Unlike most large cities in the east coast, most cities in California do not have a good public transportation system. When your car is not available or you don't have one and you need to get around in Elk Grove CA your options are limited.
Walking to most locations is not realistic, unless you need a good workout. Just going to the supermarket can easily be 5 miles or more away from most of the subdivisions. Etran of Elk Grove the local bus services is a good service if you live close to one of the stops. It does not really cover most of the city and on most routes, ends early in the evening and does not run on the weekends.
Walking to most locations is not realistic, unless you need a good workout. Just going to the supermarket can easily be 5 miles or more away from most of the subdivisions. Etran of Elk Grove the local bus services is a good service if you live close to one of the stops. It does not really cover most of the city and on most routes, ends early in the evening and does not run on the weekends.
Reviews (1)
Kerree Sy
Apr 29, 2021