I also have particular interest in Mindfulness, teaching people Stress Reduction, Relaxation, and Meditation, all techniques that enhance both psychological and physical well-being. You're invited to subscribe to my free email newsletter, with helpful hints, inspiring quotations, mindfulness reminders, and relationship advice.
My training is broad and varied. Philosophically, I am most accurately described as "Ericksonian", which puts an emphasis on respecting patients and trusting that patients come to therapy already possessing strengths and insights that they may need help identifying or accessing.
My orientation is eclectic, which means that I utilize different kinds of therapies and strategies, choosing and combining based on what I think will be best for any given patient.Sometimes that means a focus on behavior; sometimes it's an examination of negative beliefs; sometimes it could be an exploration of family history, etc.
My orientation is eclectic, which means that I utilize different kinds of therapies and strategies, choosing and combining based on what I think will be best for any given patient.Sometimes that means a focus on behavior; sometimes it's an examination of negative beliefs; sometimes it could be an exploration of family history, etc.
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A: You can call my office -- (410) 544-9564 - with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment. If you prefer, you may email me @ bennazsherman@gmail.com. You can send email either directly or through the link in this website. Be aware that email is NOT confidential. Please limit email communications to administrative issues, without including any private information.
Voicemail and text are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may leave a message anytime. I will return your call as soon as possible, generally that day or on the next business day. Be aware that email is NOT confidential. Please keep all email communication limited to administrative kinds of things, without including any private information.
Reviews (1)
Jane Miller
Jan 12, 2020
After several failed attempts finding a therapist with whom I connected, my husband came across Benna Sherman's bio. I have seen her for individual therapy on and off for the last 5 years, and prior to that my husband and I saw her for couples counselling. Highly recommend. Benna has brilliant insight, and a compassionate manner. Real progress IS possible!