Executive coaching can be described as regular meetings between a business leader and a trained facilitator, designed to produce positive changes in business behavior within a specified time frame. Changes in business behavior then lead to better teamwork, more creative strategies and a more profitable bottom line.
Leadership coaching means developing the capabilities of a high potential employee from a mid-level or individual contributor role into a more strategic and big-picture role which positions them for taking on higher levels of responsibility. Focusing on their strengths, knowing who they are and how they show up in relation to people and situations gives a strong platform for moving higher.
Leadership coaching means developing the capabilities of a high potential employee from a mid-level or individual contributor role into a more strategic and big-picture role which positions them for taking on higher levels of responsibility. Focusing on their strengths, knowing who they are and how they show up in relation to people and situations gives a strong platform for moving higher.
A pioneer in the field of coaching, Judy Irving is a relationship builder specializing in executive and leadership coaching with a sub-specialty in working with abrasive leaders. She has a way about her that is both gentle and challenging, working comfortably with all levels of the corporate structure from Manager to C-Suite.
Coaches are hired by a variety of companies and individuals. Mostly coaches are hired by executives and business owners who have already achieved a great deal in their lives. Now they want to reach a new level of personal and professional success and happiness. They realize they're going to need a fresh perspective in order to attain that goal.
Fresh Perspective - At Moving On, a certified executive coach takes a look at your choices as a leader from an entirely different point of view than the one you've been seeing from. We present alternative ways of "seeing" your situation, your choices and your priorities. We also look at the impressions your actions and words are making and how those may look differently to others than you intended.
Today's leaders are aggressively looking for answers to overcome the obstacles that surround the building and maintaining of a career in today's fast paced and often 'insane' world. Over the last ten years the 'rules for doing business' have changed tremendously. Traditionally we've have gone into 'overdrive' by working longer hours and pushing harder.
Tired of working nights and weekends to get the results you want? Would you like to get kick-butt results without killing yourself in the process? Judy Irving offers a structured business consulting model combined with distinctive leadership coaching that enables overworked professionals and business owners to have a business that supports their life, not a life that supports their business.
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