We have completed well in excess of thousands of projects and repairs, primarily for residents and small commercial just like yours! Our answers and solutions are simple but very effective and proven to be long lasting with lifetime warranties. You do not end up with another company fixing the same problem twice.
Seepageseal workflow allows the waterproofing services to be extremely efficient, cost-effective without sacrificing quality. We are able to offer a more affordable waterproofing solution than large companies as we do not have the overhead that they do. Since we have over half of a century experience in a waterproofing industry we have learned the best practice with the most cost-effective methods.
Seepageseal workflow allows the waterproofing services to be extremely efficient, cost-effective without sacrificing quality. We are able to offer a more affordable waterproofing solution than large companies as we do not have the overhead that they do. Since we have over half of a century experience in a waterproofing industry we have learned the best practice with the most cost-effective methods.
SEEPAGESEAL is your local waterproofing and foundation repair company owned by employees. We have 20+ years of professional experience and seen all kind of waterproofing problems with 100% success solutions. Our methods and crawlspace solutions are simple while being the most effective to date in the industry, stopping all problems in your valuable home.
Is there a foundation crack that is leaking water into your basement, or a crack that you are concerned about? Do not wait until the crack gets worse. Water seepage destroys your carpet, walls and furniture and trapped moister leads to mold and musty smell. After setting up the appointment we come to you to investigate the issues you have in your home.
With the special blend of concrete for application in tight spaces, We seal all exposed dirt surfaces under your home with a vapor barrier and 3-4 inch thick permanent rigid concrete (minimum 4000 psi strength) encapsulation. It is the only material to provide a 100% guarantee of rodent control while adding structural integrity to your foundation for a lifetime.