New England Line Painting
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New England Line Painting
New England Line Painting is a female owned company. We are committed to providing high quality services to all its customers. By providing professional, timely, and reliable service to contractors, property managers, and owners, we aim to build a relationship that both sides can count on and trust in, that is fast, fair and on a budget.
Parking lots are the first thing your patrons will see, whether they are driving by or pulling into your business. What does your parking lot say about your company?. We are a company ready to EARN your business! New England Line Painting is a professional line painting company serving New Hampshire, Southern Maine and North Eastern Massachusetts.
What does your parking lot say about your property or business? A parking lot is the first thing your patrons will see, it can either provide a clean, organized, welcoming atmosphere or create a frustrating, chaotic and unsafe parking situation. Every parking lot needs some attention every once in a while.
Typically every two years to keep your lot looking fresh and clean. By having the striping done this often, you are not only presenting a professional image for your business, but you're laying the groundwork for a durable job that will look better longer. This is helpful since having a parking lot in New England, the salt and plow trucks will wear at the paint more quickly.
Reviews (3)
Susan Ford
Susan Ford
Dec 19, 2020
Positive: Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness, Value
Great job, they did exactly what we talked about, and I did not have to be here to ensure it was done right!
Danielle Ferrara
Danielle Ferrara
Aug 10, 2020
Positive: Professionalism, Punctuality, Quality, Responsiveness, Value
Amazing work! Always professional and the job was done quickly and efficient! A+, would recommend to anyone!
Derek Bonpietro
Derek Bonpietro
Jul 27, 2019
New England Line Painting did a great job adding parking lines to my apartment building, it greatly improved the parking among the tenants. Thanks again!