Maguire Asset Management prides itself in treating our clients as our partners. We understand that our success is dependent on our clients' success so our goal is to provide optimal stability in volatile markets. We believe our strength is our volatility-responsive. Momentum is the single largest inefficiency in the market - Jeremy Grantham Relative strength or momentum is the tendency of investments to persist in their relative performance.
In other words, investments that have performed well tend to continue to perform well;. They carefully explained that the volatility as measured by the standard deviation of a sample portfolio that was.
In other words, investments that have performed well tend to continue to perform well;. They carefully explained that the volatility as measured by the standard deviation of a sample portfolio that was.
Our goal is to provide consistent real returns, minimum draw downs and lower volatility than the traditional investment advisers. Our investment framework is based on academic work in the areas of risk parity, minimum volatility structuring and relative strength investing. BALANCING RISK is the cornerstone of our investment process.
To beat markets that are nearly efficient, we believe investors must apply a disciplined, thoughtful and economically intuitive approach that creates value at every stage of the investment process. Maguire Asset Management believes that a fundamentally-driven, systematic process is an essential tool to achieve long-term success in investment and risk management.
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