We are prepared and qualified to assist in projects focused on caregivers as people or caregiving as a phenomenon. It's also one of the most stressful, posing challenges that can be painful, confusing, and deeply rewarding - sometimes all at once. When Caregiving Calls is an invitation to a deep conversation about caregiving and its meaning for you.
Aaron Blight has written a must read guide for anyone about to embark on the journey of caregiving. Anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing Aaron speak knows his ability to capitivate his audience while he delivers valuable information. This book is much like sitting in the room with Aaron, full of practical advice that is delivered in a relatable style.
Aaron Blight has written a must read guide for anyone about to embark on the journey of caregiving. Anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing Aaron speak knows his ability to capitivate his audience while he delivers valuable information. This book is much like sitting in the room with Aaron, full of practical advice that is delivered in a relatable style.
Caregiving Kinetics is an internationally-oriented firm offering caregiving consulting services to organizations and groups all over the world. With our unique understanding of both caregiving as well as organizational science, we help our clients improve their leadership capacity, shape organizational culture, and traverse through change.
Tomorrow @villyge and I will be talking about the needs of #caregivers in the #workplace - a timely and important conversation for #employers and employees. Webinar Link: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regis. Thank you to @Thomsod for highlighting this interesting qualitative study building upon the research about the roles of #caregivers: resource, co-worker, co-client, and care coordinator.
Caregivers are usually so busy with the tasks of caregiving that they rarely reflect upon the significance of their activities, including how caring changes their identity: their view of self, their relationships with others, and their place in society. This thoughtful and inspiring presentation draws upon research to explain caregiving as a phenomenon of social science.
Download the Caregiving Kinetics Emotions Worksheet. To help you explore how caregiving has emotionally impacted you, take a few moments to participate in this exercise. D., is in tune with the struggles families face as they care for aging relatives. It's the reason why he wrote When Caregiving Calls: Guidance as You Care for a Parent, Spouse, or Aging Relative.
Caregiving Kinetics offers customized workforce consulting services to organizations that employ caregivers. We recognize that hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, in-home healthcare care providers, hospice agencies, adult day centers, and most organizations involved in long-term care are hiring from the same pool of local individuals to address their staffing needs.
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