When you choose Swift Health Chiropractic for your chiropractic care, you're choosing natural health and wellness that can help you get back to enjoying the life that you love. By using advanced diagnostics including motion-study x-rays, chiropractor Dr. Tim Swift hopes you'll rest easy knowing you're choosing the best in evidence based chiropractic care.
At Swift Health Chiropractic, we're dedicated to giving you your life back As a Gonstead trained chiropractor, Dr. Tim uses an approach backed by science and engineering to dive deep and uncover what's really going on in your nervous system. After locating the precise issue, he'll craft a care plan that's specific to your unique needs and goals.
At Swift Health Chiropractic, we're dedicated to giving you your life back As a Gonstead trained chiropractor, Dr. Tim uses an approach backed by science and engineering to dive deep and uncover what's really going on in your nervous system. After locating the precise issue, he'll craft a care plan that's specific to your unique needs and goals.
Chiropractor in San Clemente, Dr. Tim G. Swift graduated Cleveland Chiropractic College Magna Cum Laude and valedictorian of his class. During his time in Chiropractic College Dr. Swift spent many extra hours after school attending seminars and perfecting the techniques he uses in his practice today.
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Growing up as a competitive athlete, Dr. Garrison Gourdeau always had an interest in health and the prevention of sickness or injuries. This made becoming a chiropractor an ideal fit for him. Dr. Garrison Gourdeau ultimately received a degree in Kinesiology from Westmont College and attended the renowned Southern California University of Health Sciences where he obtained his Doctorate of Chiropractic in 2016.
We realize you have choices when researching chiropractors in San Clemente, this is why we volunteer information so you know what you can expect in our office. New patients often remark how "homey" our office is. That's good, because our goal is to offer state-of-the-art chiropractic care in a comfortable surrounding.
Going to the gym, the dentist and eating veggies are great healthy habits, just like chiropractic. Getting the best results from these things comes from choosing to incorporate them on a regular basis forever. Once you start feeling great why would you want to stop? We do not take all insurances, the initial consultation is no charge and we can check your insurance coverage then.
Reviews (2)
Michael Snyder
Jun 24, 2017
Dr. Swift is a Gonstead Chiropractor and very specific in his approach to adjusting the spine. He has adjusted me on a number of occasions and his specificity will get you back in the game much faster than most and I should know I am one. He is a chiropractor's chiropractor and I highly recommend him. Just wish I didn't have to drive all the way to San Clemente from north OC when I need an adjustment, but definitely worth the drive. Do yourself a favor and go see Dr. Swift.
Vladimir Volkov
Dec 12, 2012
The treatment administered by Tim Swift had significantly worsened the condition of my primary concern. Moreover, he insisted (Gonstead way) on working on areas that did not exhibit any symptoms (specifically neck and middle back), did so recklessly and with no regard to my concerns. This led to chronic pain in these areas. It's been a few months since the treatment and I am still suffering the consequences. I have lately taken an MRI and consulted with an orthopedic specialist. The findings confirmed that the treatment administered by Tim Swift was dangerous and had no chance of alleviating the