Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the healthcare specialty focused on restoring the health and functional abilities of people disabled by disease or injury. We offer treatment options that include physical modalities such as heat or ice, acupuncture and therapeutic exercise to improve function.
Medical conditions treated in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation include: Amputation Removal of. Pain is often an unbearable medical problem that can have a major impact on your physical and mental well-being. Classification of Pain - Acute or Chronic Classifying pain is helpful in directing diagnosis and care.
Medical conditions treated in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation include: Amputation Removal of. Pain is often an unbearable medical problem that can have a major impact on your physical and mental well-being. Classification of Pain - Acute or Chronic Classifying pain is helpful in directing diagnosis and care.
Pain is often an unbearable medical problem that can have a major impact on your physical and mental well-being. Nociceptive: represents the normal response to noxious insult or injury of tissues such as skin, muscles, visceral organs, joints, tendons, or bones. Neuropathic: Pain caused or induced by a primary lesion or disease in the somato-sensory nervous system.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the healthcare specialty focused on restoring the health and functional abilities of people disabled by disease or injury. We offer treatment options that include physical modalities such as heat or ice, acupuncture and therapeutic exercise to improve function.
Measures the speed of conduction of an electrical impulse through a nerve. It is done to find damage to the peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves. Help to detect the presence, location, and extent of diseases that damage the nerves and muscles. The injection procedure may also be called a facet block, as its purpose is to block the pain.
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