Palmer Smoking Clinic
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Yes, your years of practice, hundreds of trips to the mouth every day and thousands of connections with the things you do. Do you think that habit suddenly disappears the moment you decide to quit? It doesn't. Your habit can remain active for months. My program is 1 1/2 hrs., completely explaining the process and taking you through the hypnosis twice, for only $250.

Share the time with a friend and save, $145. B., Director of the Palmer Smoking Clinic and the Sports Motivation Clinic, author, Performing Under Pressure, serving the Chicago, Illinois, community since 1985. If you live in the Midwest, you can take advantage of the ONLY smoking cessation program designed to help you with your Smoking Habit Pattern.
Reviews (3)
Judy Frazier
Judy Frazier
Sep 09, 2020
Thanks Paul!! Its working out well. 10 days and counting 🎉🎉🎉 . The celebration continues and I have now crossed the 6 month mark. Thanks again Paul, I'm also singing your praises to those who wanna quit.
Meg Baran
Meg Baran
Jul 28, 2019
It's been 9 years since I visited Palmer's Clinic. I don't know how, I can't explain because I'm the biggest sceptic in the world, yet I haven't been even tempted. I am addiction free.
David Palmer
David Palmer
May 29, 2013
All I have to say is THANK YOU... Since going through the session I have not had a cigarette for 3 months and counting. I know it is expensive but bite the bullet and just do it.You will spend more than the session on cigaretts and you will be happier and richer for it.