We are seeking individuals that have been trained and experienced on all 3 types of lifts that may include but not limited to the reach truck, cherry picker, and sit down with at least 1-2 years experience. We are also looking for individuals that are willing to accept a direct hire position with long-term needs and usually a full-time position with benefits.
Kiarad Enterprise service is not just a staffing agency! It is a tool that creates opportunity for all mankind. A tool that helps people, small businesses, corporations, communities, and Memphis discover their passion and purpose for the products and services that are provided. We need individuals with experience in a warehouse productionfacility that can move products material from shelves with at least 3-6 months experience.
Kiarad Enterprise service is not just a staffing agency! It is a tool that creates opportunity for all mankind. A tool that helps people, small businesses, corporations, communities, and Memphis discover their passion and purpose for the products and services that are provided. We need individuals with experience in a warehouse productionfacility that can move products material from shelves with at least 3-6 months experience.
Kiarad's strategy and goal is to give as many individuals in our community an opportunity that may not have otherwise been given a fair chance in the workplace. We believe that creating opportunity through small businesses, corporations, and local government entities will drive the economy in Memphis to the next level.
We continue to collaborate with the immediate family and Veterans Affairs to create the most adequate financial budge, in order to better accommodate our beneficiaries' needs. Kiarad strives to proved the best psosible service to ensure that all beneficiaries are maintaing the highest level of services from our business.
Our mission is to revitalize, rebuild, and redirect underserved communities in a new direction. We believe the best way to have a positive impact on our underserved communities is by purchasing vacant single and multifamily properties in our communities with the intent to establish a more diverse community.
No task to tiny, no box to big. For every role you have created we have a do-er that will exercise excellence in everything they do. Quality is out there, why not put it under your roof? We are seeking individuals that have been trained and experienced on all 3 types of lifts that may include but not limited to the reach truck, cherry picker, and sit down with at least 1-2 years experience.
We've got warehouse warriors, who know being efficient and streamlined in any situation is vital to your business. Our temps, part-timers, and direct hires are top shelf. Let them deliver on your vision of being next-level. We are seeking individuals that have been trained and experienced on all 3 types of lifts that may include but not limited to the reach truck, cherry picker, and sit down with at least 1-2 years experience.
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