The chiropractic profession uses a multitude of different techniques specific to each healthcare provider. Many chiropractors gear their techniques towards musculoskeletal conditions and, along with many other healthcare providers, the elimination of pain and symptoms. They usually stop here without addressing the underlying problem.
Often times those techniques consist of an adjustment in lower back, maybe a couple in the middle back, and a couple more in the neck. At Kittery Specific Chiropractic, we are concerned with your musculoskeletal problems but we also find the root of your problems. We are interested in digging a little further so we can get you back to the important things in your life.
Often times those techniques consist of an adjustment in lower back, maybe a couple in the middle back, and a couple more in the neck. At Kittery Specific Chiropractic, we are concerned with your musculoskeletal problems but we also find the root of your problems. We are interested in digging a little further so we can get you back to the important things in your life.
My goal here at Kittery Specific Chiropractic is to allow you and your family to surpass your healthcare goals. By being Specific about your health, this can become a reality. Born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and raised in York, Maine, Dr. Joshua Pirini completed his academic tenure attending York schools.