When you are looking for caregivers Los Angeles there are many different selections of care to choose from. Finding the proper care is crucial for the happiness of yourself or your loved one. Your Direct Health Care helps elders get caregivers and nurses to assist you with your in home needs. In addition we can help you with your Medicare or Long Term Care Insurance.
Asking the right questions to your home care coordinator is important and advising our representative of the proper care helps determine whether you need some medical care from a licensed nurse, or simply someone to help with everyday needs. We have 24 hour live in caregivers and hourly care services.
Asking the right questions to your home care coordinator is important and advising our representative of the proper care helps determine whether you need some medical care from a licensed nurse, or simply someone to help with everyday needs. We have 24 hour live in caregivers and hourly care services.
Physical therapy is one of the major services which we offer. Our therapists works closely with patients to help them improve their movement potential and gain a healthier and more. Massage therapy is a hands-on treatment that involves manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort and muscle spasm.