As an interactive solution-focused therapist, my goal is to provide a safe, compassionate, confidential, and personalized approach where you can transcend relational and emotional difficulties and move towards your next level of success. Asking for professional help is a sign of internal strength. It can also be a catalyst for the growth and development of new behaviors.
I believe in helping my clients identify the tools and resources they need utilizing a short-term, solution-focused approach. I especially enjoy working with couples and love helping all individuals reach their goals without long term therapist dependence. My goal is to empower people to envision new possibilities and develop the most fulfilling relationships possible.
I believe in helping my clients identify the tools and resources they need utilizing a short-term, solution-focused approach. I especially enjoy working with couples and love helping all individuals reach their goals without long term therapist dependence. My goal is to empower people to envision new possibilities and develop the most fulfilling relationships possible.
Quality relationships are hard to find! Tired of doing the same thing and getting the same disappointing results? Finding that special someone takes knowledge, skill, and careful planning. We tend to put more work into purchasing a car than finding a life partner. Sometimes we just settle for the person who just happens to be around or shows interest.
With the divorce rate so high doesn't it make sense to strengthen your relationship before problems arise? Premarital counseling is paramount to the long-term success of a marriage. When couples make marriage preparation a priority, they definitely fare better in marriage and don't feel blindsided by life's curveballs.
Relationships sustain a variety of challenges. Couple dynamics change over time, often resulting in underlying feelings of confusion, frustration, resentment, sadness, and fear. Get help before your relationship becomes a doomed statistic. Communication problems, resolving conflicts, finances, sexual concerns, parenting issues, role expectations, illness, infidelity, aging, and empty nest are just some of the areas where couples struggle.
The pain is so great that you imagine you will never get through this betrayal and ever trust again. I specialize in helping couples get through the hurt, anger, and traumas associated with infidelity and create a relationship they never thought possible. This is an area where couple's need an experienced therapist to help them navigate through the rough terrain of recovery.
Are you dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, panic attacks, grief, recurrent nightmares, or trauma/PTSD? EMDR is a safe and powerful tool used in psychotherapy and supported by extensive research. It is utilized to help people overcome debilitating feelings, behaviors, anxiety, and stress.
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