Victoria Jones Strategic Marketing Communications
Victoria Jones Strategic Marketing Communications doesn't print your name on mugs. Vicky and her team help you figure out whether printing your name on mugs is a smart use of your marketing budget. Or changing your name, or advertising on the radio, or producing a brochure, or printing coupons, or launching a social media campaign, or developing a Google search strategy.

We are a marketing consulting firm located in Madison, Wisconsin. We work with organizations that want to build bridges between their products and the needs of their customers, current and prospective. From planning a mix of marketing communications programs that will achieve your goals and fit your budget, to the tactical execution of those programs, we can help.
Victoria Jones Strategic Marketing Communications is a consulting practice located in Madison, Wisconsin, that offers assistance to for- and non-profit organizations in strategic marketing planning, development, and implementation. We work with organizations that want to align their products and services to meet the needs of their customers, current and prospective.
Look into your inventory to determine how well you are doing in giving people what they want. Not just in terms of products and services, but in the experiences they have with your company. The stories they hear. The voice that greets them on the phone. The information on your web site. Aligning your products and services with what people want means that you now have something to.
Recommendations for an organization will be informed by what its customers, and, therefore it, needs, not by a bag of promotion gimmicks. The benefit for the client: A marketing plan driven by equity-building strategies, not flash-in-the-pan tactics. Recommendations will not be limited to product or industry knowledge, but founded on a solid grounding in strategic marketing, social psychology, and demographics.
Smart, funny, and spirited, with a gift for spinning a tale, Vicky Jones has a knack for making marketing concepts accessible, relevant, and fun.

A regular lecturer for UW-Madison's Small Business Development Center, Vicky has spoken at conferences large and small - from large conferences like the Governor's Conference on Tourism and the annual conference of the Council for Advancement & Support of Education to smaller meetings of groups such as Wisconsin Women Entrepreneurs and the Sales and Marketing Executives of Madison.
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