Located in Newburyport, Dr. Adam Palombo is a Doctor of Chiropractic, with post graduate certification in sports Chiropractic. You are likely visiting this site because you have been or are currently experiencing an uncomfortable or painful problem within your body. You may even be seeking a second opinion or feel that you have been misdiagnosed.
At our clinic, every new patient's journey begins with a detailed examination in order to identify the correct sources for your discomfort, or diagnosis. Dr. Adam Palombo's examination procedures use evidence-based Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain (CRISP) protocols. Treatment plans frequently combine chiropractic adjustment (manipulation), soft tissue manipulation, scar tissue mobilzation, or specific exercises.
At our clinic, every new patient's journey begins with a detailed examination in order to identify the correct sources for your discomfort, or diagnosis. Dr. Adam Palombo's examination procedures use evidence-based Clinical Reasoning in Spine Pain (CRISP) protocols. Treatment plans frequently combine chiropractic adjustment (manipulation), soft tissue manipulation, scar tissue mobilzation, or specific exercises.
We all understand that physical activity and exercise are integral components of a healthy lifestyle - as if it isn't common sense, we're constantly told this by health-minded organizations. Unfortunately, with increased activity comes an increased risk of injury - this is what brings most people (and maybe even you) to Active Life Chiropractic.
We value our patients' experience at Active Life Chiropractic. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free Acrobat Reader to view. Thank you for being part of the ALC Family.
We understand that arriving at a doctors office for the first time can be nerve racking. Filling out paperwork, learning new faces and names, and getting to know your way around the office can be an overwhelming experience. That's why at Active Life Chiropractic our aim is to remove any stressor causing unnessesary tension and to make you feel comfortable.
In order to limit time spent in office, the history taking portion of your exam will take place via phone in advance of your appointment. The doctor will call to speak with you the day before or the same day as your appointment. We kindly ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.
Chiropractic care is like building a house - certain things have to happen in a particular order in order for everything to stand strong and work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before you had a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and eventually collapse. If you tried to put on your roof before the walls were ready, you would run into the same problem.