Truckee Real Estate is located in a popular 4 season recreational and vacation area for Northern CA residents. Families who have second homes in the Lake Tahoe/Truckee area enjoy 4 season activities like Skiing, Biking, Hiking, Kayaking, Golf, Tennis, Swimming and more. Truckee Real Estate's close proximity to Interstate 80 allows Bay Area families to make the trip in 3 hours with clear weather conditions.
Truckee, as an MLS search, will include Truckee proper and many of the communities below - in addition, other areas like Prosser Lakeview Estates, Glenshire/Devonshire, Armstrong Tract, Sierra Meadows and others that tend to be more popular with locals will be included. It's a good broad search to use for buyers who do not have a specific area in mind.
Truckee, as an MLS search, will include Truckee proper and many of the communities below - in addition, other areas like Prosser Lakeview Estates, Glenshire/Devonshire, Armstrong Tract, Sierra Meadows and others that tend to be more popular with locals will be included. It's a good broad search to use for buyers who do not have a specific area in mind.
Indoors or out, Gary LaBelle is continually involved in discovering new strategies about buying and selling homes throughout the Truckee/Tahoe/Reno region. Combining his personal interests in building mountain homes with his exceptional comprehension of technology, Gary brings a well balanced understanding of home construction and internet marketing to the real estate business.
Reference: Gary LaBelle helped us choose our second home in Tahoe Donner. He has all the attributes critical to us in a realtor - ethical, trustworthy, savvy and as he is a full time resident, very knowledgeable about the area. He is also a wonderful person! We were impressed with the personal attention we received and the insider information he continues to provide of the area has been invaluable!
We are in the winter selling season so act soon to get your home on the market and sell it. Inventory is falling and families are up here looking at homes for the ski season. It's a great time of the year to sell a home in Truckee (see my market statistics or call for more information). Complete the required information about your home and receive a FREE analysis of your homes market value.
Listing a home is one step in a list of many that will sell you home. The following is a guide that covers many of the services I provide when Listing your home for sale. I am committed to offer you a high level of professional service and to insure your property is marketed such that it commands the highest possible market value.
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