Torus Engineering offers engineering services to "bring up" your new technology or product. We collaborate with start-ups, small businesses, and enterprises to focus on the research, development, and prototype level of your new idea or product. We're the first step - we help you start your product on the right foot, so larger firms can't take advantage of you.
With turnkey design to build product engineering advice, prototype manufacturing consultation, and product testing services, we'll help you manifest your new idea. Click to call today for a free consultation with our engineers about the future of your new product. If your business needs an external opinion, we offer consultations from our subject matter experts and technical advisors.
With turnkey design to build product engineering advice, prototype manufacturing consultation, and product testing services, we'll help you manifest your new idea. Click to call today for a free consultation with our engineers about the future of your new product. If your business needs an external opinion, we offer consultations from our subject matter experts and technical advisors.
We are Torus Engineering! We offer high quality engineering consulting services with a focus on research, development, and prototype level designs. We also offer product testing services for your schematics, layouts, and received prototypes. Torus Engineering, helps you "bring up" your new technology or product throughout the concept design and product development phases.
Our engineering consulting services are here to enable your team's ideas and concepts. We'll help you understand any limitations and obstacles in bringing an idea to fruition and propose initial design routes for products. We'll also help you determine key parameters and requirements to focus on as you move through the product development and engineering processes.
Torus Engineering offers highly customized, affordable product engineering consultation and prototype consulting services for start-ups, small businesses, and enterprise clients. From concept level to prototype testing, we advise your team on the best path forward for your product. Our services are designed to save you the cost and headache of working with larger firms that have to hire an entire team of engineers.
Whether you need consumer product prototyping services or reviews of industrial schematics, Torus Engineering can provide engineering consultation for your firm. We'll review your prototype's designs and schematics to ensure they're ready for production before you submit them to a manufacturer. We will also design tests and requirements for quality control and acceptance verification that will ensure your prototype matches your concept.
At the concept phase of the productizing process, your idea isn't quite ready for hardware or prototyping. As your idea becomes a tangible concept, we are here to facilitate every step of the product concept engineering process. We offer product concept consulting services to help determine exactly what your product should and could do.
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