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ReelDx video cases are designed to integrate flexibly into any aspect of your instruction. Bring real world applications into your early theoretical classes. Enhance your simulations by providing case studies to prepare before or reinforce after. Provide repeatable "compare and contrast" resources to go hand in hand with clinical practicums.

Videos feature real patients in the ER, exam room, community clinics, pre-hospital, and developing world. 1,000+ topics, cases also include vitals & demographics, differential diagnosis & patient workup, and more. Top medical educators in teaching hospitals, nursing, physician assistant, and EMS programs around the country use ReelDx medical video cases to help students learn from real patient cases.
David Spiro, MD and Bill Kelly founded ReelDx in 2013. David had first recognized the power of recording video of patient-doctor interactions while on faculty at Yale. ReelDx works with clinical partners throughout the world to securely and ethically create real patient video cases. Patients participate with full consent, each case is thoroughly reviewed by a medical editorial board, and every case is periodically reviewed for accuracy.
The ReelDx video case library contains nearly 700 individual cases featuring a wide cross-section of real patients with real symptoms being seen by real healthcare providers in a variety of settings. Each case features an anchoring video showing the initial provider-patient interaction. ReelDx cases are used by educators for a wide variety of purposes.
Explore use cases and customer testimonials from educators in the nursing education field to learn more about ReelDx's variety of applications. Not sure where to get started using ReelDx in your learning environment? We understand! Our videos are a new tool in health care education, without precedent for incorporation into a curriculum, test prep, etc.
HEAL is an online clinical education network community that makes possible a rich and engaging assortment of direct clinical experiential courses to aspiring healthcare providers: future physicians, PAs, nurses and EMTs. Its seminars and free plenary courses incorporate ReelDx real patient video cases, providing valuable experience, knowledge and first-person clinical insight.
Learn more about ReelDx's Individual plan, an ideal solution for individuals seeking access to real patient cases for review and practice. At ReelDx, we believe that the future of healthcare training includes increasing the amount of clinical observations students have access to, throughout their education.
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