Massage is expertly provided by Hannah Listle, LMT. With over a decade's experience as a licensed massage therapist, you can expect the utmost professionalism, integrity, and attention to providing the highest quality massage. Client safety is of the utmost importance to me.
I always utilize proper infection control practices and am uniquely prepared, based on my professional training and advanced course training, to mitigate any risks to make your massage treatment as safe as possible.Hannah Listle, LMT (MA93925) has been practicing massage for over a decade in clinical and spa enviornments.
I always utilize proper infection control practices and am uniquely prepared, based on my professional training and advanced course training, to mitigate any risks to make your massage treatment as safe as possible.Hannah Listle, LMT (MA93925) has been practicing massage for over a decade in clinical and spa enviornments.
Limit of one coupon/discount/offer per massage, per customer - cannot be combined with any other coupons or offers. No cash value. Not valid for Gift Certificate purchases. This massage promotes deep relaxation and a sense of overall wellbeing. Swedish massage is helpful in relieving stress and anxiety.
I believe that there is no one perfect massage technique for everyone. That is why I continuously expand my knowledge of effective massage tools and techniques - creating a holistic massage experience for my clients. By incorporating massage techniques and tools to best suit each client's individual needs, holistic massage engages the body's natural healing abilities to balance the entire body as a whole.
For appointments canceled less than 24 hours before the scheduled service(s), there is a Late Cancellation Fee equal to 50% the cost of the scheduled service(s), which must be paid in order to schedule any further services with Hannah Listle, LMT. If I am able to fill the spot, then I will refund the Late Cancellation Fee.
If anyone is on the fence about getting a massage take one of these appointments, you will NOT regret it! Hannah has helped me so much, as I physically carry my stress! She has really helped my neck, shoulder and arm pain. I'm a physical therapist and critical of those in the field but Hannah passes the test with flying colors!
Once I receive the form, I will email you an invoice for the dollar amount you want to gift. Once the invoice is paid, I will send you the gift certificate in the manner you requested. If you chose "digital gift certificate", I will email you a digital version of the gift certificate. You can either email this to the recipient of the gift, or print it off to present to them in person.
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