In the Sonoma County area we set a new standard in mobile massage therapy: Quality, Convenience, Excellence, Empathy. We offer the highest standard in the massage therapy and bodywork profession with a distinct level of achievement. Simply stated, we believe in something more. We are committed to lifelong standards of our esteemed profession.
We travel throughout the county for the convenience of our clients and provide premier massage therapy service like none other. Besides being a Certified Message Therapist, I am a counseling Psychologist, M.A. University of San Francisco. If needed, I do Body Work to remove pain tapes stored within your muscle memory or cellular encoding.
We travel throughout the county for the convenience of our clients and provide premier massage therapy service like none other. Besides being a Certified Message Therapist, I am a counseling Psychologist, M.A. University of San Francisco. If needed, I do Body Work to remove pain tapes stored within your muscle memory or cellular encoding.
Swedish massage consists of a specific set of massage movements: effleurage, or sliding movements; petrissage, or kneading movements; friction or rubbing; vibration and percussion. I use a purple Earthlite Massage Table. It is designed to be wide where a table should be wide at the shoulder area and narrow where a table should be narrow in the middle.
Reviews (1)
Jay King
Jun 28, 2017