Light clean, wheel true, bearing adjust, brake adjust and full bleed, shift adjust, bolt-check, lube, drivetrain degrease. At Beargrass Bicycles we do not discriminate - I work on all bikes regardless of make, model, age, or style. My passion for biking began over 20 years ago when I had spent my entire savings to buy my first real mountain bike.
Michael Whalen —
Great place. Low key, friendly, reasonable rates and most importantly- got a super solid brake bleed! I’ll go back.
We aren't your typical bike shop, we don't have a "showroom" of new bikes. Instead, all of our bikes are available to demo! Feel free to stop by, get some local trail info, ride your dream bike, or just give us a high five! If you're in Portland, check out our main store if you want to see some custom builds and a huge selection of parts and accessories